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Negotiating a Good Price for Your Home
Thursday, April 5, 2012
We've all heard that with the downturn in the economy it's a home buyer's market, however if you know how to negotiate the price you can still come out with a very nice price for your property. Your house will probably be the biggest investment you'll ever make. If there comes a time you decide to downsize you want to make the right choices when selling.
Looking at it from the buyer's side, they're looking for someone who's asking the question, "How do I price my house for the buyer?" What a seller should be asking is, "Who's going to buy my house at a price I can live with?" Think of it in terms of car dealerships. When they give you their "bottomline" on a car do you really think they won't make some profit on the sell? Of course, just as you should on your home.
Looking at reputable real estate agent websites is a good start for answering the question "How do I
sell my house?" They'll search for comparables in your neighborhood and find if maybe your property has something extra to offer the buyer as incentive. An honest and experienced realtor will be able to help with this, looking into the price of comparables, age, upgrades, and lot sizes in your area.
You'll still need to price your property at what is reasonable, but you needn't let a buyer rob you. Remember, the thing you need to find out is what a buyer will pay for your home. Your realtor should try to find more than one interested buyer and let the games begin. You will be surprised how somebody who loves your home will raise the ante if there's another interested party.
A good realtor should have every base covered when it comes to marketing your home to the public. In the past multiple listings where placed in print by realtors to find their business, but today the internet has changed all that in a big way. Through your realtor's website, as well as the dozens of other real estate sites, you will be surprised at the amount of interest you'll find for you property. The more the merrier in getting a better price for your house when you decide to sell. If the sell of your house doesn't need to be an immediate remedy than you can take a bit of time to get a better price. Stop wondering "How will I
sell my house?" There are buyers waiting with a good offer.